Hey – Fifth Year – Wednesday (Pogonitz)
3/5: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for Tefillah. We looked at the words of the week “marbeem b’simcha” increasing joy in this Hebrew month of Adar. Rabbi Prass asked us why do we need to increase joy now? We related that to the gevuorot prayer, and how the ability to increase joy is a strength and superpower.
- Practiced reading our assigned words from Megillat Esther in class, and then from the megillah scroll with the rest of the school
- Discussed the Reichstag fire, which Hitler and his allies blamed on Communist enemies. This led to the Enabling Act, effectively turning Germany into a police state.
- Learned that after the death of German President Hindenberg, Hitler declared himself Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor.
- Saw that many Germans overlooked, or even supported, radical Nazi policies because the Nazis boosted economic recovery and national pride.
- Learned the definition of anitsemitism, and discussed examples of antisemitic stereotypes, rhetoric, and behaviors.
- Defined the word propaganda, and discussed the role of propaganda in Nazi Germany
- Read the Nuremberg Race Laws, which stripped Jews of German citizenship, and discussed the status of people who were children of intermarried couples. We also saw that the Nazis later expanded these laws to include Black and Roma people and their descendants.
- Saw the progression of anti-Jewish laws from April 1933-August 1939
- We ended Hebrew today with Rabbi Prass leading the students through a practice run for next week’s reading (and recording) of the Megillat Esther, Chapter 2. The students need to be louder, but they know what they are doing. It will be a fun time!
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice your assigned megillah words.
2/26: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the entire school gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for Tefillah. Rabbi Prass asked what is something they like to put on and why? Students shared some lovely answers. Then he explained how many Jews like to put on a kippah. Students are still wearing kippot. It’s been a nice thing so see.
- We wrote thank you cards to Mr & Mrs Roth who spoke to us last week. We wrote in our notes something we learned abut their presentation.
- Today, the students received the words they will be reading from the Megillat Esther. Each student in Kitah hey received 4 words to read.
- We talked abut current event in Israel, specifically the Bibas family.
- Welcomed Les Sgnilek to share hs family’s stories and pictures of Holocaust survival. It was lovely to have so many parents join us for this portion of today’s session.
Homework to be completed by next class:
2/19: Today in class we worked on:
- We started with Rabbi Prass at an all school tefilah, where he introduced students to wearing kippot during tefilot. Rabbi Prass explained that one reason why we were asking all to wear kippot is to try something you wouldn’t otherwise try unless the adults requested. Then he led a conversation around the question, “Why do you wear team swag/logos? What does it say about YOU?” As always our learners had great things to offer
- Connected Rabbi Prass’s discussion about kippot as clothing that identifies and makes us feel part of a group to our class’s earlier conversation about hanging mezuzot or wearing a star of David necklace during times of heightened antisemitism.
- Studied a graph that depicted the Great Depression as a factor in increased votes for the Nazi party
- Talked about how sometimes, when you affiliate with most things that a political party advocates, you might be willing to overlook more extreme political positions and actions that don’t affect you
- Learned about the dolchtoss conspiracy theory, which is the myth that the Jews, and specifically Jewish socialists, were responsible for Germany’s defeat in WWI, by sabotaging Germany and the German military from within.
- Began a discussion of German propaganda and its role in influencing German peoples’ impressions of Jews
- Looked at the interlinked Nazi ideals of nationalism, social Darwinism, self-sufficiency, increased territory, and creating a people’s community as they related to the Nazi belief in national pride. The Nazis asserted that a strong Germany could only be achieved if there was a single strong leader with unlimited power.
- Saw that Germans looking for a scapegoat singled out Jews and communists as a threat to German national security
- Welcomed George and Magda Roth to share their families’ stories and pictures of Holocaust survival. It was lovely to have so many parents join us for this portion of today’s session.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Thank you to the parents who came to learn with us today. We hope to welcome you back for our next speaker in the series next Wednesday.
2/5: Today in class we worked on:
- We began with an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass. Rabbi Prass asked us who are creators/makers we like/respect and why? He then pointed out that in the Aleinu prayer, we see the words לְיוֹצֵר בְּרֵאשִׁית (God, the Creator of all things). We are praising God because God creates all things.
- Completed Unit 3 in our Hebrew books
- Reviewed some of the effects the Treaty of Versailles had on the German people and their spirit, and why this led to people eventually supporting the Nazi party, who offered solutions to their real-life issues
- Discussed the differences between a parliamentary government and the democracy of the United States
- Learned about the Weimar Republic, the democratic parliamentary government established in Germany after World War II
- Talked about Hitler’s time in jail, his writing of Mein Kampf, and his eventual appointment to Chancellor
Homework to be completed by next class:
- I hope that all students will be in class to hear George and Magda Roth speak. Parents are very welcome to join us as well.
1/29: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with Rabbi Prass leading Tefillah. Rabbi always discusses an aspect of one of the prayers we say. Today we looked at the Aleinu, and how the 4th line uses the word mishpachot as tribes. Rabbi Prass asked us for examples of good and bad mishpachot in our lives. Then he showed us how the aleinu thanks God for putting us with the good families and tribes.
- Discussed why using Holocaust analogies is dangerous – it oversimplifies complex history, takes away from the scope of the tragedy of the Holocaust, and precludes meaningful discourse by demonizing, demeaning, and intimidating others
- Learned the history of the Treaty of Versailles, and how the conditions Germany was forced to accept on their surrender caused them to be demoralized. This helped create conditions under which Nazi ideology and promises of rebuilding Germany were especially effective to German citizens
- Looked at examples of Jewish life before World War 2. We saw flourishing, diverse Jewish communities that looked a lot like our communities today.
- We ended Hebrew today with Rabbi Prass explaining some important facts about Israel, and how perceptions can be misrepresented to fit certain agendas. He then told us about some incorrect displays at Stevenson High School’s World Fair this past weekend which seemed to be ignored by the school’s administration.
Homework to be completed by next class:
1/22: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for a discussion about the hostages who were let go this past Sunday. He shared the video in this article which allowed us to witness the happier chapter of the 3 ex-hostages being reunited with their families back in Israel. There were some interesting questions and comments shared.
- Back in class, we continued the conversation on Israel sharing:
- The term “Zionism” was coined in 1890 by Nathan Birnbaum.
- Its general definition means the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel.
- Then we did a 4 corners exercise, asking the students to move around the room based on their opinions to the following 4 questions:
- Zionism can be debated yes, no, maybe
- Zionism can be debated ONLY be Jews
- Zionism can be debated ONLY by Israelis
- Zionism can be discussed by 7th graders
- To bridge us back into our semester unit of the Shoah (Holocaust), we talked about how anti-Zionism can be the same thing as antisemitism.
- Students were asked to share examples of antisemitism they have witnessed in their lives (online or personally). Sadly, all had something to share.
- Participated in Hebrew through Movement with our school community
Homework to be completed by next class:
1/15: Today in class we worked on:
- Rabbi Bellows led an all-school t’fillah.
- Vocabulary Review of Hebrew chapters 1-3, ending with a Kahoot game
- Review of Rabbi Sacks’ quote about history vs memory, and how it relates to our studying the Holocaust with our religious school community
- Emphasized that our Jewish experience should make us more empathetic toward other people’s suffering. Related this to current situation in LA area
- Heard each other’s family stories from, and connections to, the Holocaust
- Shared our own first experiences learning about the Holocaust, or visiting a Holocaust museum or memorial
- Morah shared a bit about visiting Poland and participating in the March of the Living
- Shared the questions we have and the things we would like to learn about the Holocaust
Homework to be completed by next class:
- If you did not do last week’s homework OR were absent, please do it and bring it in.
- As a reminder, the homework was to write up the answers to the following 2 questions:
- Describe a family connection that you have to the Holocaust.
- Interview a grandparent or family member to learn where they were when they first heard about the Holocaust, and provide a summary of their response.
1/8: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for tefillah. Rabbi Prass asked everyone to share, on the count of 3, something special they did over winter break. Then he asked them to share how they talked about that special thing. The students shared some lovely answers. Then we talked about how our prayer the kedusha comes from a story in the Bible where the angels talk about special or holy things.
- In Hebrew, we learned the prefixes for “in”, “and”, and “from”. We also learned the Hebrew word for “big”.
- We began our Holocaust unit by exploring some reasons it is important for us to be learning it:
- People need to be educated regarding the facts
- It is part of our collective identity as Jews
- As humans, we need to be compassionate towards others and to fight injustice when we see it
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Be prepared to share answers to the following questions:
- Describe a family connection that you have to the Holocaust.
- Interview a grandparent or family member to learn where they were when they first heard about the Holocaust, and provide a summary of their response.
12/18: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for tefillah. He pointed out that at this time of year in Chicago, the amount of sunlight is less and less, and asked the students what they do to feel the light and find the light. They shared some lovely ideas. He pointed out that one source of light for all of us is how much the students are able to participate more and more confidently in our t’fillah.
- Reviewed the difference between a menorah and a chanukiya
- Learned that we set up candles right to left, but light them left to right
- When someone cannot afford oil or multiple candles, they are able to fulfill the mitzvah with just one candle
- Talked about lighting the menorah in a window to publicize the miracle of Chanukah
- Read a story that happened in Billings, Montana, where a Jewish family’s home was vandalized because of their Chanukah decorations, and police recommended that the family take down the decorations. The community came together in solidarity, and thousands of non-Jewish neighbors put chanukiyot in their windows, making it safe for their Jewish neighbors to do so.
- Compared the mitzvot of mezuzah and lighting a chanukiya. Both are public demonstrations of our faith, and both can be personalized to reflect individual personalities
- Played a “white elephant” gift exchange game
- Students were with other Kitot and Rabbi Prass for “A surprise pizza dinner”. A good time was had by all.
Homework to be completed by next class:
12/11: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefiilah led by Rabbi Prass. He started asking us who and what makes you feel safe? We then looked at our prayer avot v’imahot, and how the last line talks about God being the “Shield of Abraham and the Help of Sarah”, or in other words make us feel safe. We also talked about how the Maccabees fought to make our ancestors feel safe.
- Wrote a condolence card for Morah Fox on the loss of her husband
- Based on student questions, learned about Jewish traditions regarding respect for the dead, shiva, and what we say to family members at shiva
- Finished our discussion on the history of Gaza
- Found the Golan Heights and Syria on a map, and discussed the current situation as it relates to Israel
- Added two more words – הנה and גם – to our vocabulary
- Played a review game with our words from the units we have completed in our books
Homework to be completed by next class:
12/4: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all school Tefillah. Rabbi Prass asked the students “What is something positive you caused to happen over Thanksgiving?” and “What is something good you did?” The students provided many excellent answers and examples to further our learning. We then connected this to the gevuorot prayer and specifically the word “mechaye” which means “the one who causes..” and talked about the good things mentioned in the prayer.
- Learned the Hebrew prefix letters for “and”, “from”, and “to”
- During reading practice, discovered the English names of cities and countries (Los Angeles, New York, Toronto, Canada, Mexico) written in Hebrew
- Talked about the recent ceasefire with Hezbollah
- Just after its 77th anniversary, discussed the historical significance of November 29, 1947 – the day the UN approved the Partition Plan, therefore allowing for the creation of the State of Israel
- Began a discussion of Gaza’s history, including Israel’s Six Day War in 1967 and the Oslo Accords in 1993
Homework to be completed by next class:
11/20: Today in class we worked on:
- Today we started with Rabbi Prass for tefilot and learned about hacarat hatov, looking for the good things in the world around us, and how it so important, perhaps easier, and so very more needed in the world.
- We sat with the aleph students to help them keep their places during tefillah
- Discussed the mitzvah of hanging a mezuzah
- Examined a real mezuzah scroll
- Learned why they are different sizes, and why mezuzah covers can be so different from each other
- Talked about visible signs that we are Jewish, like lighting a menorah on Chanukah or wearing jewelry with Judaica pendants, and what different people do in times of heightened antisemitism
- Rabbi Prass told two personal stories about Beth Am students in college – one about his daughter and her Hebrew name necklace, and one about Charlie, who hung a mezuzah on his doorpost after his dorm room was vandalized
Homework to be completed by next class:
11/13: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefillah. Rabbi Prass led a discussion, asking the students how the word awesome can have both positive and negative attributes. Our students presented many thoughtful ideas and understood the complexities of the question. He then pointed out that the word Hanorah, or Awesone One is in the Avot V’imahot prayer, and teaches us to praise those awesome things which are positive, holy, and beautiful. We also talked about the word of the week, “eezoon” which means balance, and we shared the good and challenging things in our lives which balance our days.
- Learned that “and” does not have its own word in Hebrew, but appears as a vav in the beginning of a word.
- Discussed the story of Noah:
- What the conversations between Noah and God, Noah and his family, and Noah and his neighbors might have looked like.
- The sin of his generation that led to the flood was that they were corrupt and violent. God wants us to love and be kind to each other.
- Noah is called a tzaddik – a righteous person. To be righteous we have to do the right thing with other people and with God.
- The Torah emphasizes that Noah was a tzaddik in his generation because he resisted acting like the other people in his time.
- Discussed the attribute of ometz leiv – being courageous, including standing up for what is right. Students gave examples of people from the civil rights movement and Malala Yousafzai. We then talked about Jewish women who had ometz leiv: Sarah Schneirer who started the first Jewish school for girls, and Rabbi Sally Priesand, who was the first woman to be ordained as a rabbi.
Homework to be completed by next class:
11/6: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefillah and a Rabbi led discussion about who is the stronger person, someone who is kind or someone who is mean. Our students presented many thoughtful ideas and understood the complexities of the question. Rabbi Prass connected this to the prayer in our amidah, the gevurot, which means strength. It praises the type of strength which helps others, and gives several specifics.
- Completed unit on how science supports the Torah’s description of creation with a discussion of the first living creatures in the water.
- Analysis of the difference between humans and animals as based on Adam’s creation in Bereishit. We concluded that people’s souls give them ethical responsibility in their decision making, as opposed to animals who act based on instinct.
- Discussed the mitzvah given to Adam and Eve to protect the earth, which remains our mitzvah today. We watched a brief video that explained how carbon emissions lead to ocean acidification and global warming.
- Played bingo to review all of the lessons and Hebrew language we have learned since the beginning of the year.
Homework to be completed by next class:
10/30: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all school Tefillah and a Rabbi led discussion asking the learners how they tell time. They had an amazing variety of answers. We then learned how Jewish prayer also helps us tell time including in our Gevurot prayer where the words change during the summer and the winter.
- Compared the Torah’s description of the universe’s creation with what scientists have discovered
- Looked at verses in parshat Bereishit that reference the Big Bang, primordial black holes, comets, the evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere over time, and astronomic phenomenon like comets
- Had the opportunity to see the Torah up close with Rabbi Prass! Kitah gimmel, daled, and hey joined Rabbi Prass in the sanctuary for a discussion on Simchat Torah, and coming close to inspect the Torah scroll and ask questions about it. Our Hey students gave “Torah reading” advice to the gimmel & daled students. Finally, the students had an opportunity to taste a piece of the Etrog.
Homework to be completed by next class:
10/9: Today in class we worked on:
- Commemoration of the October 7 attack
- Special tefilla led by Rabbi Prass, in which we listened to music and had a discussion related to the hostages and Israel’s wars
- Looked at a map of the Middle East to familiarize ourselves with the locations of Gaza and the West Bank, as well as the countries surrounding Israel which are launching rockets
- Discussed the impact the war in Israel has had on some students in America
- Talked about family members currently serving in the IDF
- Rabbi Prass led a project in which we made sukkah decorations featuring kalaniyot – flowers that grow in Israel during this season which were at the site of the Nova festival on October 7, 2023. These decorations express hope for peace in the future.
Homework to be completed by next class:
9/25: Today in class we worked on:
- We had an all school Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass. We discussed What is something precious you were given? And how do you ‘handle it differently’ knowing it is precious? Why is Jewish prayer/t’fillah a gift? We also heard the shofar in celebration of the Jewish month of Elul.
- Conversational Hebrew – Learned ken (yes) and lo (no). Reviewed ani (I/me), mi (who), at/ata (you)
- Compared the Jewish new year and the secular new year. One important difference that students noted: The Jewish new year is spent more quietly in services, while the secular new year is loud and about the party.
- We concluded that the Jewish new year is about looking at ourselves and our actions to try and improve ourselves. This will bring a happier, sweeter new year.
- Learned about the 4 Jewish new years described in the Mishna, and talked about how each demonstrates the theme of renewal.
- Side conversations included the numerical value of Hebrew letters, and the order of the Jewish months
Homework to be completed by next class:
9/18: Today in class we worked on:
- Participated in an all school Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass. We shared ‘noises’ that distract us and things that help us quiet and focus our brains. We talked about how t’fillah is one Jewish language/tool for quieting and focus.
- Our conversational Hebrew book. We learned Ani (I/me), Mi (who), and At/Ata (you).
- An introduction to the two parts of Torah: the Written and Oral. We explained that Rabbi Prass and Rabbi Bellows are part of the tradition of Oral law, which is the interpretation of the written Torah for each generation.
- Side notes included learning that there were actually two destroyed Jewish Temples in Jerusalem, and why the line from Hatikvah states that our hope for a Jewish country in Israel is 2000 years old.
Homework to be completed by next class:
9/11: Today in class we worked on:
- We began with an all school assembly. The 2 older grades (daled & hey) shared 3 things that are helpful to learn Hebrew and 3 things that used to make them nervous about learning Hebrew. We also lit a yizkor candle to remember the victims of 9/11.
- In class, we discussed 9/11 a little more in depth. Students were asked if it was talked about in their secular school. All said yes, and then they were given the opportunity to share what they learned/talked about. We then talked about some of the lessons from 9/11.
- We then talked about Israel and the current conversations. Students were asked to write down their thoughts/opinions on (a) when the conflict started (b) who is involved in the conflict (c) what the conflict is about. The variety of their answers created room for an interesting conversation.
- They prepared to lead the younger classes in Hebrew thru Movement.
- We ended the session with all school assembly to do Hebrew Thru Movement. Our kitah hey students helped lead it. Parents were invited for this first session so they could meet the teachers. It was great to see so many parents and to have perfect attendance at Hebrew school!
Homework to be completed by next class: