Bet – Second Year – Wednesday (Eilian)
3/5: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for Tefillah. We looked at the words of the week “marbeem b’simcha” increasing joy in this Hebrew month of Adar. Rabbi Prass asked us why do we need to increase joy now? We related that to the gevuorot prayer, and how the ability to increase joy is a strength and superpower.
- Today in the Hebrew class we reviewed the letters and the vowels.
- We learned about פורים.
- We read and translated the story היום פורים.
- We talked about משלוח מנות.
- We played a game with the new words we learned.
- We ended Hebrew today with Rabbi Prass leading the students through a practice run for next week’s reading (and recording) of the Megillat Esther, Chapter 2. The students need to be louder, but they know what they are doing. It will be a fun time!
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice your assigned megillah words.
- Practice the new words we learned.
2/26: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the entire school gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for Tefillah. Rabbi Prass asked what is something they like to put on and why? Students shared some lovely answers. Then he explained how many Jews like to put on a kippah. Students are still wearing kippot. It’s been a nice thing so see.
- We finished working on our Israeli national anthem.
- We reviewed the letters and sounds.
- We choose the correct word from a list and wrote it in the blank space.
- Today, the students received the words they will be reading from the Megillat Esther. Each student in Kitah bet received 2 words to read.
- We ended Hebrew today with Rabbi Prass talking about the Bibas family. Then each student was given an orange balloon and asked to write a message to the Bibas family on the balloon. While they wrote we listened to this: They were given the option of taking their balloon home or releasing it outside. Ask your student about this.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice the letters in the vowels.
2/19: Today in class we worked on:
- We started with Rabbi Prass at an all school tefilah, where he introduced students to wearing kippot during tefilot. Rabbi Prass explained that one reason why we were asking all to wear kippot is to try something you wouldn’t otherwise try unless the adults requested. Then he led a conversation around the question, “Why do you wear team swag/logos? What does it say about YOU?” As always our learners had great things to offer.
- Today in the Hebrew class we read and translated the Israeli national anthem התקווה.
- New words.
- עם – nation
- ארץ- land
- עם ישראל חי-The nation of Israel lives
- ארץ ישראל-The land of Israel
- ארץ אבותי-land of my ancestors
- We wrote the תקווה and decorate the page Jewish symbols.
- We ended Hebrew today with Rabbi Prass discussing the most recent release of Israeli hostages with the entire Hebrew School. These discussions lead to thoughtful questions. The Rabbi’s talks are never meant to frighten, but to enlighten.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Fun work. Go over the new words we learned.
2/5: Today in class we worked on:
- We began with an all-school t’fillah led by Rabbi Prass. Rabbi Prass asked us who are creators/makers we like/respect and why? He then pointed out that in the Aleinu prayer, we see the words לְיוֹצֵר בְּרֵאשִׁית (God, the Creator of all things). We are praising God because God creates all things.
- Today in the Hebrew class we read the story “ יום שבת, יום מנוחה.“
- We translated it and learned new words that go with the story.
- We circled the Hebrew word that means the same as the English. For example: blessing -(מנוחה. מורה. יפה. (ברכה.
- We practiced different vocabulary words: Body parts, face parts, things in the classroom, and numbers.
- We ended the session with all school Hebrew Thru Movement led by Rabbi Prass. He introduced new words for Tu Bishvat.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- For fun work : practice the new words we learned Sent from my iPhone
1/29: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with Rabbi Prass leading Tefillah. Rabbi always discusses an aspect of one of the prayers we say. Today we looked at the Aleinu, and how the 4th line uses the word mishpachot as tribes. Rabbi Prass asked us for examples of good and bad mishpachot in our lives. Then he showed us how the aleinu thanks God for putting us with the good families and tribes.
- Today in Hebrew class we greeted each other in Hebrew שלום, מה שלומך ? טוב , לא טוב, ככה ככה, סבבה.
- We read and translated the story? מי בבית בשבת?
- We learned the meaning of new words in the stories.
- We learned the verb אוכל is for a boy the verb אוכלת is for a girl.
- The verb אוהב For a boy the verb אוהבת for a girl.
- We used those verbs in different sentences that we create.
- We play Hebrew memory game.
- We ended Hebrew today with Rabbi Prass explaining some important facts about Israel, and how perceptions can be misrepresented to fit certain agendas. He then told us about some incorrect displays at Stevenson High School’s World Fair this past weekend which seemed to be ignored by the school’s administration.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice the new words we learned today.
1/22: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for a discussion about the hostages who were let go this past Sunday. He shared the video in this article which allowed us to witness the happier chapter of the 3 ex-hostages being reunited with their families back in Israel. There were some interesting questions and comments shared.
- Today in Hebrew class, we read and translated the story Shabbat Shalom
- שבת שלום
- We learned new words from the story and created sentences with them.
- Each child selected a word from the story and the children had to write the word and say what it means.
- We looked at the picture from the story and a child had to say in Hebrew what does he see in picture.
- We did word match. We circled the Hebrew word that means the same as the English.
- We Played memory game with Hebrew words.
- Participated in Hebrew through Movement with our school community
Homework to be completed by next class:
- For fun work : Page 44 practice reading.
1/15: Today in class we worked on:
- Rabbi Bellows led an all-school t’fillah.
- We read and translate the story: בכיתה.
- We learned new words from the story and created sentences with them.
- We learned that Hebrew adjective has different endings for boys and for girls.
- We read different sentences and we matched them with the right picture.
- We learned the face parts in Hebrew
- Participated in Hebrew through Movement with aleph – daled kitot
Homework to be completed by next class:
- For fun work : practice the new words we learned today.
1/8: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for tefillah. Rabbi Prass asked everyone to share, on the count of 3, something special they did over winter break. Then he asked them to share how they talked about that special thing. The students shared some lovely answers. Then we talked about how our prayer the kedusha comes from a story in the Bible where the angels talk about special or holy things.
- We wrapped up our study of Chapter 7 (which we started before Winter Break)
- We practiced reading the skit on pages 56-57 & 62-63.
- We reviewed the vocabulary on pages on 57 & 62
- We reviewed the exercises on pages 58 & 61.
- We ended with an all school Hebrew thru movement led by Rabbi Prass. We added on some new words which we will reinforce for the next few weeks.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice reading 62 & 63.
- Make sure pages 57 & 62 are complete.
12/18: Today in class we worked on:
- Today, the students gathered in the sanctuary, with Rabbi Prass, for tefillah. He pointed out that at this time of year in Chicago, the amount of sunlight is less and less, and asked the students what they do to feel the light and find the light. They shared some lovely ideas. He pointed out that one source of light for all of us is how much the students are able to participate more and more confidently in our t’fillah.
- Today in the Hebrew class we started as always with greeting each other in Hebrew.
- We practiced the vowels and letters in Hebrew.
- We read and translated the story חג האור.
- We matched the Hebrew word from the story with the English meaning.
- Students were with other Kitot and Rabbi Prass for “A surprise pizza dinner”. A good time was had by all.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Keep reviewing the Hebrew letters
- Practice reading Hebrew from out textbook. Pick the most recent pages.
- Happy Hanukkah and enjoy your winter break.
12/11: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all school Tefiilah led by Rabbi Prass. He started asking us who and what makes you feel safe? We then looked at our prayer avot v’imahot, and how the last line talks about God being the “Shield of Abraham and the Help of Sarah”, or in other words make us feel safe. We also talked about how the Maccabees fought to make our ancestors feel safe.
- Today in Hebrew class, we practiced reading and singing the blessing over the Hanukkah candles.
- We worked on picture match: We matched the sentence with the matching pictures.
- We practiced writing in Hebrew.
- We closed the session by joining all of the other classes to play Hebrew-Thru-Movement, Chanukah Style, led by Rabbi Prass.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice the Hanukkah blessing.
12/4: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefillah. Rabbi Prass asked the students “What is something positive you caused to happen over Thanksgiving?” and “What is something good you did?” The students provided many excellent answers and examples to further our learning. We then connected this to the gevuorot prayer and specifically the word “mechaye” which means “the one who causes..” and talked about the good things mentioned in the prayer.
- Today in Hebrew class, we took an alef-bet quiz.
- We practiced our letters and vowels.
- We played Hebrew bingo.
- Aleph, bet, gimmel, daled classes ended in the sanctuary for Hebrew Through Movement with the other classes. Rabbi Prass brought out a hanukkiah, and he explained the difference between that and a menorah. Ask your student what the difference is. We also added on new verbs and vocabulary centered around Chanukah.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice the letters & vowels
- Review the Hebrew vocabulary
11/20: Today in class we worked on:
- Today we started with Rabbi Prass for tefilot and learned about hacarat hatov, looking for the good things in the world around us, and how it so important, perhaps easier, and so very more needed in the world.
- Today in Hebrew class we practice the Hebrew letters and the sounds the vowels makes.
- We read and translate the stories “Lili lo, lo לילי לא, לא
- Will learned new words that goes with this story.
- Also we learned how to use words that goes for girls and for boys (He or she) for example:
- לילי לא שמח/ שמחה
- We then joined the rest of the classes and Rabbi Prass for Hebrew thru Movement, where we continued to learn the Hebrew words for parts of the body, including an all school “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”
Homework to be completed by next class:
- practice the words we learned.
11/13: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefillah. Rabbi Prass led a discussion, asking the students how the word awesome can have both positive and negative attributes. Our students presented many thoughtful ideas and understood the complexities of the question. He then pointed out that the word Hanorah, or Awesome One is in the Avot V’imahot prayer, and teaches us to praise those awesome things which are positive, holy, and beautiful. We also talked about the word of the week, “eezoon” which means balance, and we shared the good and challenging things in our lives which balance our days.
- We started our class with greeting each other in Hebrew. We read the story “
- משפחה /family.”
- We learned new words:
- אבא
- אמא
- סבא
- סבתא
- אח גדול
- אחות גדולה
- אח קטן
- אחות קטנה
- כלב חתול .
- After we finish reading the story and translate it each child use the word we learned and told us in Hebrew about their own family members.
- אני ……
- יש לי משפחה
- יש לי אח
- אין לי אחות
- האח גדול
- יש לי סבא וסבתא
- יש לי כלב,חתול,ודג זהב.
- Then we joined the entire Hebrew school for Hebrew thru movement, where we reviewed the words we learned last week, the body part words, by playing “Simon Says” and sharing personal “human tricks” in Hebrew to reinforce these words.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Read the story משפחה on page 28.
11/6: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefillah and a Rabbi led discussion about who is the stronger person, someone who is kind, or someone who is mean. Our students presented many thoughtful ideas and understood the complexities of the question. Rabbi Prass connected this to the prayer in our amidah, the gevurot, which means strength. It praises the type of strength which helps others, and gives several specifics.
- Today in Hebrew class we greet each other in Hebrew
- שלום, מה שלומך? טוב , לא טוב, ככה ככה, עייף , סבבה.
- We reviewed the story rain/ גשם and we went over all the new words we learned.
- We worked on words exercise. We circled the English world that mean the same as the Hebrew word.
- For example: Hot – חם Cold – קר
- I have a coat – יש לי מעיל
- I have a hat – יש לי כובע
- I do not have umbrella – אין לי מטריה
- Then we joined the entire school for Hebrew Thru Movement led by Rabbi Prass and Brady H. Rabbi Prass introduced some new Ivrit vocabulary for body parts.
- Students did a terrific job today!
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practiced the words we learned today.
10/30: Today in class we worked on:
- School began with an all-school Tefillah and a Rabbi led discussion asking the learners how they tell time. They had an amazing variety of answers. We then learned how Jewish prayer also helps us tell time including in our Gevurot prayer where the words change during the summer and the winter.
- We practiced our Hebrew letters and vowels.
- We reviewed some of the Hebrew stories we learned in our textbook
- We practiced the new Hebrew words we learned from our textbook.
- Next, Kitah aleph & bet joined Rabbi Prass in the sanctuary for a discussion on Simchat Torah, and coming close to inspect the Torah scroll and ask questions about it. Finally, the students had an opportunity to taste a piece of the Etrog. Most of our students like its taste.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Review the letters and vowels
10/9: Today in class we worked on:
- We began in an all-school t’fillah with Rabbi Prass during which we honored the memories of the 1200 people killed in the Hamas terror attack in Israel on Oct 7, 2023 and prayed for the release of the 100+ hostages still being held in Gaza. We listened to songs of hope, emphasizing the resilience of the Jewish people.
- Today in Hebrew class we read and translated the stories “Where is honey?
- איפה הדבש.“
- We learned the meaning of new words in the stories.
- משפחה, בית,נרות, יין, תפוח. שופר. דבש. חלה.
- We reviewed all the Hebrew words we learned.
- We took an alef-bet quiz.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practices the words we learn today.
9/25: Today in class we worked on:
- We had an all school Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass. We discussed What is something precious you were given? And how do you ‘handle it differently’ knowing it is precious? Why is Jewish prayer/t’fillah a gift? We also heard the shofar in celebration of the Jewish month of Elul.
- Today in Hebrew class, we started learning the stories ‘Where is honey?
- איפה הדבש
- We learned the meaning of new words in the stories.
- משפחה, בית,נרות, יין, תפוח.
- We matched pictures to the matching sentences.
- We learned the names of the people in the family.
- אבא ,אמא ,ילד ,ילדה.
- We did word match. We connected the Hebrew word to the English meaning.
- We also reviewed all the Hebrew letters and the sound.
- Alef & bet went outside for Hebrew through Movement with Rabbi Prass
Homework to be completed by next class:
- practice the words we learned.
- Keep reviewing the alef bet
9/18: Today in class we worked on:
- Participated in an all-school Tefillah led by Rabbi Prass. We shared ‘noises’ that distract us and things that help us quiet and focus our brains. We talked about how t’fillah is one Jewish language/tool for quieting and focus.
- Today in Hebrew class we learn how greet each other in Hebrew
- שלום, מה שלומך ? טוב , לא טוב, ככה ככה,וסבבה
- We read and translated the stories שלום. And מי בבית.
- We learned the meaning of the new words from the stories.
- The children created their own sentences with the new words we learned today.
- We practiced our א ב and vowels.
- Aleph & bet went outside for Hebrew through Movement with Rabbi Prass and for hearing the sounds of the shofar for Elul.
Homework to be completed by next class:
- Practice the new words we learned.
- Review alef-bet
9/11: Today in class we worked on:
- We began with an all-school assembly. The 2 older grades (daled & hey) shared 3 things that are helpful to learn Hebrew and 3 things that used to make them nervous about learning Hebrew. We also lit a yizkor candle to remember the victims of 9/11. We also sounded the shofar in celebration of this month of Elul.
- Today in Hebrew class we learned how greet each other in Hebrew
- שלום, מה שלומך ? טוב , לא טוב , ככה ככה,וסבבה.
- We introduced ourselves and went over the roles in the classroom and what we are going to learn this year.
- We read and translate the stories Salome שלום.
- We learned the meaning of new words from the stories.
- The children create their own sentences with the new words we learned today.
- We practiced our א ב and vowels.
- We ended the session with all school-assembly to do Hebrew Thru Movement. Our kitah hey students helped lead it. Parents were invited for this first session so they could meet the teachers. It was great to see so many parents and to have perfect attendance at Hebrew school!
- We had a great First day!
Homework to be completed by next class:
- practice the new words we learned.
- Review your alef-bet letters