FAQs for Beth Am 2024-2025/5785 Membership
Beth Am is an innovative, purposeful, fun, and inclusive reform Jewish spiritual community. We Choose Kindness. Find joy, and together, help repair the world.
How do we join Beth Am for the 2024-2025/5784-5785 year?
Our membership renewal and new membership forms are now online! Our environmentally conscious and user-friendly online membership.
Can I still fill out membership forms manually?
Yes. While membership forms cannot be printed from our website, if you would like to mail or drop off documents and write them by hand, please call the office at 847-383-5017, and we will send them to you.
Who do I contact if I have questions or concerns?
If you have any questions or concerns about our membership process, please get in touch with us by phone or email. Call our main office: at 847-383-5017 or email: admin@bethambg.org.
What If My Membership Information Has Changed?
The website membership forms in your member portal contain your information and will automatically be inputted on this year’s forms. If you need to change your information, edit the form accordingly.
How do I Renew My Beth Am Membership?
Visit our website: https://www.bethambg.org. Click on “membership” and select renewing or new member. Then log in to your member portal or create a member portal.
What are the 2024-2025/5784-5785 Membership Dues?
Beth Am was one of the first congregations in the United States to implement a Fair Share Dues membership program.
What are Fair Share Dues?
Fair share dues is the name of Congregation Beth Am’s dues structure. The Fair Share dues structure is equitable, progressive, rooted in Jewish values, and non-judgemental. Suggested giving is developed and based on each household member’s ability to contribute.
For further questions about Fair Share Dues, please contact the office at 847-383-5017
What else should I know about Fair Share dues?
Congregation Beth Am is a community that values and will continue to serve all its members, regardless of their financial abilities and specific needs.
Our members are diverse, with different needs and abilities throughout their lives. We all have an ethical and moral obligation to support Beth Am to the best of our abilities so we can together fully serve our entire Jewish community.
Who should I contact with questions regarding Fair Share dues?
The Finance committee administers the fair share dues program. Questions regarding dues can be addressed by email to admin@bethambg.org or by phone at 847-383-5017.